Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Party hard?

So, this is me at a costume party in kindergarten in 1996. I'm in the middle row 4th from the right, dressed up as a gypsy (ikr?).

Either way, this picture always makes me laugh, because the photographer cut half of my friends head :D She did get the pic for free, but still!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Saving the world?

So being able to time travel doesn't sound too convincing to me. First of all, I'm not so keen on changing the aspects of the past. I think most of us have seen "Back to the Future", where the effects of changes were worse than we could've ever expected. Recently I've also read Stephen King's newest book "11/22/63" - talking bout travelling in time to avoid Kennedy's assasination, and honestly, the consequences of saving his life were quite... interesting (not to spoil for those, who decide to read the book). 
But if I absolutely had to change something I'd make sure Hitler never gets power over Germany, this way I could, hopefully, prevent WWII from breaking out. I'd use whatever methods I'd need to, maybe even hire an assassin... Sounds cruel, but saving 72 million lives for the cost of one? I think this decision is quite easy.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Better late than never.

Forgetting to finish the previous task, reminded me why I didn't like writing diaries - I'm way too undisciplined. But on the other hand - better late than never! When thinking bout my childhood fascination two words come to my mind - Harry Potter. I mean, who didn't like the books? All of my friends were crazy about them, and so was I. It all started in 2002, when my class went to see Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in the theater and I got hooked. It was really interesting and enchanting. First thing I did after getting home? Begged my parents to buy me the books. I read all of them multiple times, and I have to admit because of Harry Potter I really get into reading. I started loving reading, and now I can't imagine a month without finishing at least two books - and it's really challenging when you're a full time student writing a diploma paper ;). You might say Harry Potter is so two thousand and late, but just a month ago I watched the last movie, and it made me feel like a kid again, totally engaged in the story. I know I will be reading the books even when I'm old, and bringing up a famous quote, when people will ask me "after all this time?" the only thing to respond will be "always" :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

To learn L2, or not to learn L2 - that is the question.

The article in The Observer raises and interesting issue, whether learning second languages is important or not. Although I understand that developing our linguistic skills brings many advantages, I don't think we should make it obligatory for everyone to learn a foreign language, especially in English speaking countries.

Personally, I am very fond of the system where students get to pick classes they actually like and are interested in. I mean, if you don't want to learn a foreign language, why should you? For people living in English speaking countries foreign languages seem completely useless. And they usually are. To what extent do native English speakers come in contact with any other languages? Everyone in their country already speaks English, even the visiting tourists. Most websites, books and movies are in English, and we can take the risk and call English the new lingua franca.

Most of us forget, that learning a foreign language is not a pleasure for everyone. Not every student will enjoy it and have fun studying it. How would we feel if someone imposed on us more math classes or more physics just because it has many advantages for us? For those who absolutely hate those subjects, it will be a pain. And if learning German/French/Spanish is a pain for you why should you be suffering?

On the other hand, maybe situations like this, could be avoided? :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Oscar race

Academy Awards this Sunday, any guesses for this year's Best Picture?

According to multiple sources this year's frontrunner is "The Artist". A black and white, silent movie, made by the French? No way! I think everyone was surprised by this nomination.

Anyways, here's the trailer, maybe you'll get more encouraged to actually see this movie. Trust me - it's worth it.